Human Sciences Review

Open Access Journal of the Lumen Scientiae Press

About the Journal

Human Sciences Review is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal that provides a platform for rigorous scholarship in the human sciences. It is published by Lumen Scientiae, committed to democratizing access to scientific knowledge.

The journal prioritizes excellence in research, methodological diversity, and intellectual inclusion, and is open to work from all over the world, especially from underrepresented contexts. Its primary aim is to foster global conversations around human development, critical theory, and cultural dynamics from multidisciplinary perspectives.

Mission & Scope

The mission of Human Sciences Review is to amplify diverse voices in academic knowledge production. We publish work that engages with the complexity of human experience — from politics and culture to language and identity — grounded in empirical or theoretical research.

We welcome submissions in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Hindi, in order to decentralize linguistic dominance in academia and encourage epistemological multiplicity.

The journal supports original articles, critical essays, interviews, and review articles. Interdisciplinary submissions and comparative approaches are particularly encouraged.

Scientific Committee

Submission Guidelines

We accept submissions in the following categories, each with specific guidelines to ensure academic quality and alignment with the journal's scope. All submissions should be formatted in APA style and include complete references. Author information must be submitted in a separate Word document titled "About the Authors".

1. Research Articles

Length: 3000–5000 words

2. Critical Essays

Length: 2000–4000 words

3. Interviews

Length: 1500–3000 words

4. Book Reviews

Length: 1000–2000 words

Submission Email: Send submissions to with the subject line "Submission: [Article Type] - [Author Name]".

Editorial Policy


Human Sciences Review accepts the submission of articles in SciELO Preprints so that, if applicable, they can be evaluated by reviewers before publication. If the article is accepted, it will receive the same DOI number assigned at the time of Preprint publication. We also accept submissions of articles published in the proceedings of scientific events, in preliminary versions, and working papers.

The standard evaluation form adopted by the journal is double-anonymous. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, and therefore, the evaluation can be single-anonymous or open.

Peer Review

Manuscripts submitted to Human Sciences Review that comply with the editorial standards undergo an initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee members, who evaluate the contributions' adequacy to the journal's thematic scope. Once approved in the pre-selection, the contributions are sent to reviewers.

All articles are evaluated by at least two reviewers, who may be members of the Advisory Council or ad hoc reviewers with a Doctorate degree. The reviewers are provided with clear instructions along with the article to be reviewed, outlining the topics to be evaluated and expected quality standards. In issuing their opinion, they are asked to consider:

Reviewers may reject, suggest modifications for resubmission, or approve for publication of the text. In case of divergent opinions, the contribution is necessarily sent to a third reviewer.

When agreeing to evaluate an article, reviewers are asked to declare any conflicts of interest concerning the authors and the research. The reviews are strictly confidential.

The reviews serve as the basis for the editorial decision, with the Chief Editors and Editorial Committee reserving the right to publish or reject the submissions sent. After receiving the reviews through the journal platform, the authors are informed of the editorial decision, which can be of four types:

When minor changes or second review are requested, the authors have 30 days to make the requested modifications. The new version of the text must be written using the Word Track Changes feature or similar (marking the changed sections in blue color), and the author must send in a separate file a Letter to the Editors and Reviewers explaining how the requested changes were adopted, or, if not adopted, justifications for that decision. After the authors send the new corrected version, the responsible editor may verify the requested modifications and decide if the article will be rejected or approved, or return it to reviewers to assess the adequacy of the requested changes.

In the case of the first request for revision and resubmission, authors have a 60 days to make the requested modifications. The new version of the text must be written using the Word Track Changes feature or similar (marking the changed sections in blue color), and the author must send in a separate file a Letter to the Editors and Reviewers explaining how the requested changes were adopted, or, if not adopted, justifications for that decision. After the authors send the new corrected version, the responsible editor may verify the requested modifications and decide if the article will be rejected or approved, or return it to reviewers to assess the adequacy of the requested changes.

After the manuscript is approved, it proceeds to copyediting and layout.

Human Sciences Review employs three methods of peer review:

  1. Double-anonymous peer review: in this approach, the identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed from each other;
  2. Single-anonymous peer review: in this method, authors disclose their identity, while reviewers' identities are kept confidential;
  3. Open peer review: in this practice, the identities of both authors and reviewers are disclosed to one another.

The standard evaluation form adopted by the journal is double-anonymous. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, and therefore, the evaluation can be single-anonymous or open.

Authors will be asked at the time of submission whether or not they wish to waive their anonymity. Similarly, reviewers will be asked at the time of the request and acceptance of the evaluation if they wish to waive their anonymity.

Editorial Board Responsibilities

The editors-in-chief and associate editors review all articles received and have the responsibility and authority to reject or accept articles based on the reviews.

The editors-in-chief are responsible for appropriately selecting reviewers, considering the themes of the articles, and the output and reputation of academics considered as reviewers.

The editors-in-chief are responsible for ensuring agreed-upon quality standards.

The editors-in-chief have the responsibility to prevent malpractices and unethical behavior, especially plagiarism and fraudulent information.

The editors-in-chief have the responsibility to correct any errors by publishing corrections or retractions.

The editors-in-chief have the responsibility to permanently preserve the anonymity of the reviewers, as well as the anonymity of the authors of the articles under review.

APC & Fee Waivers

Article Processing Charges (APC)

To support the costs of open-access publishing, Human Sciences Review charges an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 500 USD for accepted articles. This fee covers the costs of peer review, editorial work, copyediting, typesetting, and long-term archiving.

We also offer an optional English translation service for articles submitted in other languages. The cost for this service is 100 USD, which ensures that your research reaches a global audience.

Fee Waivers

We are committed to making our journal accessible to all researchers, regardless of their financial situation. Therefore, we offer fee waivers for authors from low-income countries, underrepresented minorities, and independent researchers without institutional funding.

To apply for a fee waiver, please include a brief statement in your submission explaining your financial situation and why you require a waiver. Our editorial board will review all requests on a case-by-case basis.

We believe that financial barriers should not hinder the dissemination of knowledge, and we are proud to support researchers who contribute valuable insights to the field of human sciences.

